This training is a 1-year programme. The programme is divided into two parts. The first six months are classroom-based learning. The second six months will be conducted in a working environment structured and supported in the same manner as redPanda, the software organisation in which redAcademy is currently hosted. The training programme is a National Qualification Framework (NQF) level 5 certified training. The training will be practical and experiential.

Radical Software Talent Transformation Starts Here
Learning Outcomes
Recognise, diagramme and implement introductory programming concepts using C#.
Determine logical alternatives with C# decision structures utilising iteration, class methods, fields and properties.
Assemble forms, classes, and controls into C# solutions utilising arrays and file / database access methods.
Programme Outline
Each intake (or “Career Sprint”) will last twelve (12) months. The candidates are exposed to experiential learning, where they learn by doing. Artefacts will be produced towards the end of the first six months. In the first six months most of the training will be group based in a redAcademy meeting room. A blended learning style will be used in conjunction with the 21st learning methodologies. This is done to attend to the different learning styles of the candidates within the programme.

Module Weekly Coverage
The unit standard coverage by week is a rough estimation. The time taken to complete a unit standard will be dependent on the NQF level of each unit standard. Some unit standards (US) may take less than a week while others will take more time.
The coverage of the unit standards follows the guidelines as stipulated by the MICT SETA guidelines. Parallel to the MICT SETA training standards will be some experiential learning. The purpose of the experiential learning will be to add value to the learning process by allowing the candidates to practice in real world scenarios found in the workplace.
Assessment Structure
The assessment structure will be based on the Module outline. During the lecturing time, practical exercises and activities are performed. The formative assessments are given as a quiz, classroom discussion, test and an assignment. The assignments focus strongly on the integration of Bloom’s taxonomy of learning domains (cognitive, affective and psychomotor learning), the practical understanding and application of the theory involved in the subject field, as well as the innovative use of information technology.

The Programming course will run concurrently with the MICT-SETA training during the first six months. The programming is introduced to the candidate in three phases. The three phases differ in terms of difficulty.
Training Framework
The candidates will get training which focuses on both their technical skills as well as soft skills training. Technical skills refer to the practical programming skills that will be imparted on the candidates. In as much as the programme aims to have competent technical candidates, it is crucial that these candidates have the personality and characteristics to be employable and relate well to and with others.

Module Description
This course is an introduction to computer programming for Windows. Emphasis will be on the fundamentals of structured design, development, testing, implementation, and documentation, including language syntax, data and file structures, input / output devices, files, and databases.

Jessica Hawkey
Managing Director

Gareth Hawkey
Non-Executive Director

Nashid Cassiem
Operations General Manager

Emmanuel Madzunye
Software Development Lecturer
The redAcademy Team
Our awesome team
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